TrueTerm Special Portuguese Swedish WM5 WM6
Book, Thesaurus and Conjugation inside 1 Product!. Editable book with user dictionary. Each and every language combination contains a couple of directions of translation. Book Portuguese-Swedish-Portuguese (over 600, 1000 entries). Thesaurus Portuguese (50, 000 entries) and Collection of synonyms Swedish (210, 000 entries). Conjugation Portuguese (1, 1000, 000 conjugated forms) in addition to Conjugation Swedish (500, 1000 conjugated forms). Optionally added languages can be included into a similar program software. 28 possible combinations accessible from the following different languages: English, Spanish, Italian, France, Portuguese (incl. Brazilian), Nederlander, German and Swedish. Specific Dictionaries English-German-English for Technic, Office-Communication or Automobile market! This version is made for WM5. Also available for House windows, WindowsCE (HPC till PocketPC2002), PocketPC2003 and Mobile Release, PalmOS, Epoc and Htc.