GdImageBox Pro - Image Viewer ActiveX
This program is a good Image Viewer which facilitates many image formats such as tiff, multi-page tiff, gif, animated gif, jpeg, png, wmf, wbmp, pcx, pnm, j2k, jp2, hdr, psd, tga, jng, exr, dds, ppm, sgi, pbm, pgm, xbm, xpm, koala, iff...
With GdImageBox Pro a person can view, zoom, move, define custom display region, zoom on area, have fun with animated gif, display multiple pages tiff files, make use of custom zoom step worth, use keyboard to scroll image, set custom screen quality mode...
GdImageBox Professional ActiveX can be utilized in any environment associated with development that supports ActiveX/COM controls like VC, vb6, Visual FoxPro, Delphi, Visible Studio. NET 2003 plus 2005 and 2008, vb. net, MS Access, Windev...
This SDK includes a good Image viewer container course: GdImageBoxCnt (like a vb picturebox, can contain additional controls placed on it).
Major Features:
- Screen image from files
: Display image from thread, variety of bytes, IStream or even IUnknown binary data
: Display image from Clip-board, StdPicture, IPicture, HBitmap, DIB, gdiplus handle...
- Screen image from distant machine using HTTP or FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL process
- Read metadata from an image: EXIF Tags, GPS Tags, Thumbnails Tags, IPTC tags...
: Display large image document
- HSL, CMY, CMYK, RGB, ARGB, sRGB64, ICM, ICM2 color spaces administration
- Support lzw, ccitt3, ccitt4, rle, jpeg 2k, deflate, ojpeg, and Jpeg compression
- Support through 1-bit to 128-bits colour depth
- Advanced shifts 90, 180, 270, 360, Flip X, Flip Con
- Area processing
: User define display region
- Animated Gif Viewers
- Advanced scrollbar plus auto-size functions
- Constructed in tools including hands tool, pan and move, rectangle selection
- Shift / Scroll the image by mouse drag
- Zoom enhance, zoom by height, by width, fit to page...
- User define Zoom and user define area zoom
- Keyboard and Mouse Events
- Change image zoom or position with mouse wheel
- Smooth Scrolling
- Save and restore the specifies position of image