Geo Data International Houses

Rating   Downloads : 280
Price :   1420.00  Demo

Size : 0.30MB
Version : 3.02 Major Update  

Win 3.1x , Win95 , Win98 , WinME , WinNT 3.x , WinNT 4.x , WinXP , Windows2000 , Windows2003 , Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005 , Windows Media Center Edition 2005 , Windows Vista Starter , Windows Vista Home Basic , Windows Vista Home Premium , Windows Vista Business , Windows Vista Enterprise , Windows Vista Ultimate , Windows Vista Home Basic x64 , Windows Vista Home Premium x64 , Windows Vista Business x64 , Windows Vista Enterprise x64 , Windows Vista Ultimate x64 , Windows CE , Windows Mobile 2003 , Windows Mobile 2005 , Unix , Linux , Linux Console , Linux Gnome , Linux GPL , Linux Open Source , MS-DOS , AS/400 , OS/2 , OS/2 Warp , OS/2 Warp 4 , MAC 68k , Mac PPC , Mac OS 9 , Mac OS X , Mac OS X 10.1 , Mac OS X 10.2 , Mac OS X 10.3 , Mac OS X 10.4 , Mac OS X 10.5 , Mac Other , Palm OS 1.0 , Palm OS 2.0 , Palm OS 2.1 , Palm OS 3.0 , Palm OS 3.1 , Palm OS 3.2 , Palm OS 4.0 , Palm OS 5.0 , Palm OS 6.0 , Pocket PC , RIM , Symbian , OpenVMS , Netware , BEOS , Java , Handheld/Mobile Other 

Geo Data International Houses

Exact House Coordinates of many countries

For many countries house coordinates can be found with coverage degrees associated with 100 %. The geo data offered here are in high-precision quality and are present in several coordinate and reference systems (Geographic, UTM / WGS84, ETRS89). House Coordinates or also known as Geo Coded Building Addresses are meaning the connection between the postal addresses of buildings or building processes and their accurate opportunities within the coordinate system. The particular house coordinates are the basis for applications, which are developed to assign buildings or building processes as exact as achievable positions in the form of coordinates. By Geo Coding buildings or building complexes are cartographically representable. The possible field of application is very various. So e. g. own address lists can be enriched with geo references and visualized on suitable map material. The application scope reaches from information systems over navigation services, geo marketing, telecommunications and UTMS based services up to Web applications and tasks of the power authorities and security services. Another point of interest can be the establishing relationships between data derived from different hierarchies and levels. For example , it could be desirable to know to which administrative or postal unit a building belongs in order to. The coordinates of the particular buildings are present because geographic coordinates and UTM coordinates. Geographical coordinates inside degree notation are especially suitable well for queries with Google Earth. Right here is as an illustration an online URL with runs through the "Geo Data Essential Houses", which can stand for the location of Killet Software Ing. -GbR point-exactly: "! t=k and ll=51. 397363, 6. 450883 plus spn=0. 002, 0. 002". The first value at the rear of the identifier "ll" (lat / lon) is the particular geographical latitude, then the particular geographical longitude follows. The particular shown URL can end up being inserted directly into the particular address field of the particular browser to represent the map cutout on the particular screen.

You can find some alternatives for Geo Data International Houses here .

Geo Data International Houses

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