ProShow Gold

Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 5
Price :   69.95  Shareware

Size : 24.06MB
Version : 3.0 Major Update  

Win98 , WinME , Windows2000 , WinXP 

ProShow Gold

Do-It-Yourself Slide Shows with ProShow Gold

Do it yourself (diy) Slide Shows with This program Development 3. 0

This program Development three or more. 0 makes it effortless to turn ordinary electronic digital photos into a glide show masterpiece. Motion outcomes, like pan, zoom in addition to rotate, make still images come to life. Change your photos, videos in addition to music directly in This program Development 3. 0, and help save time, making it simpler to modify your slide show.

Endless Layers and Creative Command

With This program Development 3. zero, you can add a limitless number of layers to be able to any slide in your current shows. Each layer provides its own combination regarding motion effects allowing an individual to create unique photograph montages, video overlay disposition, and more. One-click photograph correction, red-eye removal in addition to a built-in cropping in addition to rotation tool bypass typically the photo-preprocessing step completely.

Improved Workspace

This program Development 3. zero has a refreshed customer interface that features a new waveform in the soundtrack bar, a fresh slide alternatives dialog and also a favorites bout. Toggle involving the normal Glide List view and Fb timeline view in This program Development three or more. 0, simplifying precise complementing of audio to typically the slide show. Important directories are close at palm with all the new, customizable offerings pane.

Enhanced Video End result Alternatives

Expanded output alternatives in This program Development 3. zero give more flexibility found in the way you show your slide shows. Glide shows can now end up being output to Adobe® Flash®, Windows Media Video (WMV), Hd-video and QuickTime®, inside addition to the common DVD and CD compact disk formats.

Its easy to be able to tell your story together with This program Development 3. 0

You can find some alternatives for ProShow Gold here .

ProShow Gold

Requirements :

800x600 display, 1GHz+processor, 512MB memory, Accellerated 3D graphics-64 ram, DirectX 9.0 +


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