Atmosphere (Nature Sound Generator)

Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 5
Price :   29.95  Shareware

Size : 63.94MB
Version : 6.0 Major Update  

Win95 , Win98 , WinME , Windows2000 , WinXP , Windows2003 

Atmosphere (Nature Sound Generator)

Create relaxing nature sounds on your PC

Environment is a sound electrical generator taht has a lot of uses, primarily because a home sound atmosphere generator so that as a device for creating custom character CDs and audio for property video. Atmosphere has received numerous awards including USAToday and ZDnet Tech Pick and choose for its authenticity. Environment is extremely easy in order to get to grips along with, yet extremely powerful and flexible. No experience is needed and you may have your 1st soundscape utilizing under thirty seconds

Atmosphere includes 12 nature sounds presets which includes Storm, Downpour, Tropical, Forest, Autumn, Fireside and 6 others.

You can very easily configure your own soundscapes from the background the particular random sounds supplied. This takes minutes to set up your soundscape. You may then either play this particular soundscape in realtime, conserve it to hear at an additional time, or record this to wav or mp3 format, ready to be burned to CD. There is certainly actually an alarm function plus sleep timer incase a person want to doze in your desk while the brook bubbles on the merry way, or the particular rain patters on the jar roof.

Atmosphere creates incredibly authentic sounds and you may in no way hear exactly the exact same sequence twice. Have a person ever bought a calming nature sounds CD, learn that after a couple of listens, you understand exactly elaborate coming next! Youll in no way have that problem once again.

You are not simply restricted to relaxing nature seems scenarios though, you may create all kinds of soundscapes. Simply think of a subject matter, choose a wallpaper, plus choose random and record sounds you would want.

For example, we possess a lot more than 20 extra accessory scenarios in our luxurious users part of our web site. Some of these are usually relaxing nature sounds situations like Autumn walk plus Tropical Day. Others this kind of as San Fransisco recreation area, Chicago city, and Fall months City recreate the bustle and bustle of citylife.

You can find some alternatives for Atmosphere (Nature Sound Generator) here .

Atmosphere (Nature Sound Generator)

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