Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The...
This is actually the classic Nintendo game Adolescent Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Video game.
April has been abducted. Fight your way by means of members of the Feet Clan to save the girl. This game from Zipti comes delivered in the particular MostFun Gamer. Forever have got access to great video games on your PC--online or even offline. Just click plus play, and well also install the overall game for a person, guaranteed spyware and spyware and adware safe!. Find and enjoy unlocked versions of the very well-known casual games -- Sweetopia, Spellagories, Poker Pop, Chicktionary, Adventure Elf, Radiux, PengaPop and more. Download plus play classic favorites for example Pacman, Space Invaders, Frogger and Tetris. Great variations of Sudoku, Solitaire as well as other great puzzle games may also be included in this special collection too. New game titles are added weekly : and now includs best titles Cake Mania, Westward, Luxor 2, and Nice Granny 3!
Requirements :
WinXP, Win2K/SP4, Pentium 800MHz, Opteron, Athlon64/XP, .NET 1.1 SP1, 512MB RAM, 500MB Disk, IE6+