Web Creator Pro


Size = 83MB
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Notes :
Major Update .
Demo .
Whats new ? :
1. 3 times more templates and pages in the library. 2. New layering technology: allows elements to be grouped and modified all at once. 3. Advanced visual effects for 3-D rendering (frames, partial transparency, drop shadows...). 4. New menu generator (horizontal, vertical, customizable). 5. New button generator. 6. Sample tool added: customize your template to match your logo color, an image, etc... 7. Easy upload and updates with the intergrated transfer module: page weight analysis, incremental upload.  
Requirements :
Pentium 3, 500Mhz, 64 Mb RAM, 100 Mb Disk space, CD-ROM, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1  
Limitations : Nothing

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Web Creator Pro
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