Event Manager for Windows.
Occasion Organizer Deluxe is the flexible event management software program for Windows users. Regarding any organization that will including to organize and control event related information. Helps you to organize and plan: meeting, meeting, celebration, party, class, seminar, training sessions, company activities, webinars,... For the particular database novice, Organizers user-friendly interface and ready-to-use occasion management solutions make this easy to set upward and use. Agenda Adviser: database template that provides you a simple way to control, plan and track just about all your events agenda products. Plan and organize the next data: activity title, action time and date, action status, topic, presenter, place, comments, notes,.. Event Superior: database template that enables you to definitely maintain and manage Event information: event common data (title, date, position, description,... ), event major contact information, event employees, event documents (links in order to external documents: registration type, web,.. ), event place, hotel, other addresses, occasion fee list, event plan within a free form, records, user fields. Event Simple: database template that enables you to maintain plus organize Event information: occasion general data (title, time, status, description,... ), occasion main, contact information, occasion location, hotel, other address, event fee list, occasion agenda in a free of charge form, notes, user areas. Participant Advanced: database design template that allows you to definitely preserve and organize event individuals: event participant general information, address, contact data, control status, activity log, obligations, description, notes, and much more... Individual Basic: database template that will allows you to preserve and organize event individuals within a simple form.