Rating   Downloads : 178
Price :   19.90  Shareware

Size : 0.86MB
Version : 1.50 New Release  

Win98 , WinXP 


ASTC is a TrayIcon,TrayList, Balloon,Subclass

This program component provides an easy way to enable your VB, VC, C#, VB. NET, or other COM environment applications to add four powerful functionality to your applications.

* Tray Icon ActiveX Control.

* Tray List ActiveX Control.

* Subclass ActiveX Control.

* Balloon ActiveX Control.

TrayIcon ActiveX Control Features:

* very easy way to add icon to systray in, no need to use Shell_NotifyIcon API function again.

* Show the icon in animation state.

* Assign a tooltip for the icon.

* Check the current state of the icon [visible or invisible].

* Show a balloon tool tip even displaying on win9x.

* Change the icon and tooltip in run time.

* Ability to assign a popup menu for a particular event happen to the icon even displaying on win9x.

* Track Popup menu so whenever your program lost focus the popup menu will be closed.

* Show more than one icon in the system tray.

TrayList ActiveX Control Features:

* Get all the information about the systray icons.

* Hide any specified icon from system tray area.

SubClass ActiveX Control Features:

You can use SubClass ActiveX control to subclass any window in which had a handle/hwnd Property, so you can subclass Forms, textbox, rich textbox, tree view, list box, labels or any kind of controls that you can get its handle, there is no need to use SetWindowLong API function again Or worry about your application Crashing due to using the SubClass technique.

Balloon ActiveX Control Features:

* Assign a balloon tooltip to a particular control or a window.

* Customize the balloon BackColor and ForeColor.

* Customize the Balloon Style [Balloon or Rectangle].

* Custom events associated with the balloon [BalloonHide, BalloonLeftClick, BalloonRightClick and BalloonShow].

The This program 1. 50 installer package contain sample code of using the four controls in the following languages Vb6. 0, VC 6. 0, VB. Net, VC#. NET and VJ#. NET.

You can find some alternatives for ASTC here .


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