
Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 1
Price :   19  Shareware

Size : 1.56MB
Version : 1.69 Major Update  

WinXP , WinVista , Win2000 , Windows2000 , Windows2003 


Type commonly used text in any apps

This program is the utility to be able to quickly typing commonly applied text, dates, greetings, common responses, Internet URLs, logins and passwords, code web templates. This program really helps to quickly sort text in almost virtually any application, thus saving a new lot of time in addition to saving you from schedule.

How to it performs!

Press a hotkey inside any application.

The cursor displays a menu together with text templates to end up being inserted.

Select the food selection command. Done! Text placed.

Also we can employ triple click of mouse button for insertion of text message templates.

The essential characteristic: one hotkey to put in any of the text message template. Needless to eternally keep in mind typically the settings for every single individual text message.


Pastes plain or perhaps formatted text into virtually any applications

Keeps the clip-board history

Smart text installation using macros: selected text message, date\time, usernames and and so forth.

Configurable hotkeys

Simple, light and user friendly expression editor

Unicode support. Little system requirements

No private file format. Our repository is easy XML only

Look at for updates: automatically every single 1-2-3... X day or perhaps manually from menu

Likewise we can suggest lightweight version

Multilingual graphical user interface contain English, Polish, Russian, Speaking spanish, Ukrainian and other.

Additional useful features of This program

Get the selected text explode on the net, translate it working with Google Translate, email that: this can be swiftly and conveniently done applying This program . Decide on a text found in any application, press a new key and select a new corresponding command from typically the menu.

Everything you see is usually what you get. This program shows text in typically the text selection menu specifically as it will probably be pasted. Inside addition, a special tooltip will show extended details: format of data getting pasted, cursor position following pasting, layout switching following insertion, and so forth

You can find some alternatives for TwinkiePaste here .


Requirements :

Microsoft Windows® 2000\XP\Vista\Win7\Win8, 500 MHz processor, 64 MB RAM, 1 MB Hard Disk space


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