Emailsmartz Email Sender

Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 5
Price :   49.95  Shareware

Size : 2.01MB
Version : 1.01 Major Update  

Win95 , Win98 , WinME , WinNT 4.x , Windows2000 , WinXP 

Emailsmartz Email Sender

Mass Email Sender & Bulk Mailing Software

Emailsmartz Mass email sender is experienced, high-speed, targeted email delivering program for advertising plus targeted newsletter marketing. E-mail Sender provides the service of adding an "unsubscribe link" to mail that will you send in mass for your newsletters or even targeted email advertising. Email Sender helps to deliver bulk emails using built-in templates. Its other functions are:

-Email Sender offers powerful direct sending capability as it sends without having a SMTP server, bypasses your ISPs mail machine, automatically looks up recipients e-mail exchange servers, plus sends e-mail directly in order to recipients.

-Five designer themes include this email delivering software to enhance the particular look of your news letters or customized e-mail.

-The E-Mail Sender mail application is a very fast e-mail sending application based on multi-threaded delivery. The regular sending speed can go up in order to 50, 000 emails for each hour.

-It is really simple to send email or even newsletters in bulk in order to thousands of subscribers or even recipients.

-This mass sending tool supports attachment associated with any format.

-Supports multi-attachments; both text and code formats are supported.

-Professional user interface, very simple to utilize, can be arranged up in few moments.

You can find some alternatives for Emailsmartz Email Sender here .

Emailsmartz Email Sender

Requirements :

Pentium-133 CPU, 64 MB RAM


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