Virtual Screen Spy

Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 5
Price :   22.96  Shareware

Size : 0.59MB
Version : 1.2.2 Major Update  

WinNT 4.x , WinXP , Windows2000 , Windows2003 

Virtual Screen Spy

Screen Capture Software for Windows

Digital Screen Spy is the Screen Capture Software. Comparable to a surveillance digital camera, This program catches images of your monitor. This program requires a Screen Capture of the particular monitored Windows User because selected in the Display Capture Control Panel. The Pictures will be taken each several seconds (adjustable). Display capture is undetected simply by monitored users. Virtual Display Spy supports three dialects, English, French and German born; you need only in order to change the language using the particular Language menu and presently there it is, the item language has changed. Virtual Display Spy keeps track associated with all computer activity via periodic and continuous display capturing. You choose the consumer to be monitord; as well as the moment he logs within and starts using the particular computer, Virtual Screen Secret agent begins records snapshots associated with the screen every pre-specified period of time. The computer activity being captured consist of access to restricted documents, playing unwanted games, or even undesired internet surfing. Digital Screen Spy makes certain it is spying efficiently on the required home windows user without being observed through effective covert monitoring technology. Access to the particular capture screenshots recorded will be through the simple to use Digital Screen Spy Control Panel offered. With this amazing display capture utility you may capture trouble free system screenshot from the user that will is being watched. A person can capture your kid / kid s exercise, or possibly your cheating partner s activity, or even the pc activity of your workers. This program posseses an easy to use Picture viewer that allows you to view your own captured images one simply by one or as the slide show as in case it was a video get. This program furthermore takes care of removing old screen capture pictures as preset in the particular control panel.

You can find some alternatives for Virtual Screen Spy here .

Virtual Screen Spy

Requirements :

233Mhz 32MB


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