Scripts Encryptor Control

Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 5
Price :   19.99  Shareware

Size : 0.18MB
Version : New Release  

WinNT 4.x , Windows2000 , WinXP , Windows2003 

Scripts Encryptor Control

Obfuscator of HTML/JavaScript/C++/C

Intrigue Encryptor is an useful utility to scramble (obfuscate) HTML, JavaScript/JScript, C/C /MFC code. Unlike many some other obfuscators will not employ JavaScript for encoding, which considerably increases the quantity of internet browsers that will become able to open screwed up documents without distortion. Make use of this software to safeguard your web content from illegal copying, reverse engineering plus from webbots collecting e-mail addresses along with other personal information.

Special features:

(1) Obfuscation (scrambling) of JavaScript, JScript standalone files;

(2) Obfuscation of HTML and HTML-style files that may include JavaScript, JScript blocks inside;

(3) Encryption of JavaScript, JScript data inside a file or even imbedded in HTML web page using Windows Script Régler method (emulation of screnc. exe by Microsoft);

(4) Compression (reduction of size) of HTML/JScript documents without having obfuscation (to downsize your own bandwidth and increase launching time);

(5) Flexible configurations for obfuscation that permit to fine-tune level associated with scrambling;

(6) Capability to examine obfuscated page and evaluate it with an initial document;

(7) Scrambling associated with C/C /MFC source program code files into solid program code chunks making them difficult to view and modify;

(8) Checking of lacking and/or extra semicolons within JavaScript, JScript code;

(9) Ability to organize (decrypt) JavaScript, JScript files (including those encrypted using Home windows Script Encoder);

(10) Assistance of international code webpages and file encodings (overall Unicode support);

(11) Capability to change code web page and file encoding whilst saving in a document;

(12) Ability to create an Unix-compatible file (with a single linefeed in late lines);

(13) Compatible along with Or windows 7 SP2, and IE6 popup blocker in common (so your previewed program code is not blocked because potentially dangerous);

(14) Incorporation into most of Ms Office products and suitability numerous programming languages: Visible Basic, C/C /MFC, CODE.

You can find some alternatives for Scripts Encryptor Control here .

Scripts Encryptor Control

Requirements :

Windows NT4/2000/XP, IE5 or later


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