
Rating By 3 Users   Downloads : 5
Price :   99  Shareware

Size : 19.95MB
Version : 2.6 Major Update  

Win95 , Win98 , WinME , WinXP , Windows2000 


EZGenerator Web Site Builder

This program gives you a mind start when you wish to produce and maintain your personal professional quality website. Based upon an impressive variety of more than 3000 web template variants (each fully customisable) plus an intuitive Wizard user interface, you will be producing professional looking website in simply no time, ready to add with the built-in FTP tool to the internet host of your option. But dont take our own word for it, down load This program s free trial offer and attempt it for yourself!

This program is packed with almost all sort of goodies and characteristics!

Besides creating your complete website, including all course-plotting, artwork, buttons and sitemap, This program lets you include a new BLOG to quickly write-up thoughts and connect to folks. Are you more directly into multimedia, than try the PODCASTING or VIDEOCASTING component. Or edit your electronic digital IMAGES and display these people on your site inside slideshow, image pop-up or perhaps thumbnail modes or inside your PHOTOBLOG.

Extend your current planning and communications to be able to a new level together with the online CALENDAR. Entice subscribers and create/manage successful, targeted emails to your current customers with the PUBLICATION MANAGEMENT system.

Conduct on-line surveys, create questionnaires in addition to generate high impact, cartoon reports, with our DISPLAY POLL tool.

Power your current website with an INTERNET COMMERCE web shop and commence accepting credit card and PayPal payments right apart or put Facebook from place to start generating money along with your website!

Ideal of all, to acquire this software and *all* of such features (and more), you dontneed to spend a new fortune. Only a [moderate] 99 CHF payment will do. Zero monthly fees!

This program is usually *not* just an HTML CODE editor but a full (low-priced) web creation package deal that will allow an individual to give attention to your articles.

A free TRIAL offered by our http://www.ezgenerator.com/ site.

You can find some alternatives for EZGenerator here .


Requirements :

Needs minimum IE5


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