SterJo StartUp Monitor PRO

Rating   Downloads : 283
Price :   7.95  Shareware

Size : 0.75MB
Version : 2.0 Major Update  

Win7 x32 , Win7 x64 , WinServer , WinVista , WinVista x64 , WinXP 

SterJo StartUp Monitor PRO

Easy-to-use Windows startup monitor.

Usually may happen your PC to run a little slower than usual. Don’t worry, it is nothing serious. You’ve probably installed some software that delayed the boot time. This program allows you to view those files and disable them. This way you can optimize the Windows startup time but be careful not to disable some crucial programs you are using. By blocking those unneeded files the system will definitely run faster and smoother.

This program is an application that constantly tracks the creation or modification of the startup registry and notifies if some changes appear.

If any application tries to put a startup registry on your system then the software will display the application with the following information: Section, Product Name, Product Description, Company, Version and Process Path.

Using the displayed information the user could disable or delete the unwanted program and prevent it from automatically running.

You can find some alternatives for SterJo StartUp Monitor PRO here .

SterJo StartUp Monitor PRO

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