Photolightning photo software

Rating   Downloads : 213
Price :   39.95  Shareware

Size : 7.99MB
Version : 5.51 New Release  

Win7 x32 , Win7 x64 , Win98 , WinOther , WinVista , WinVista x64 , WinXP 

Photolightning photo software

Lightning quick digital photo processing

Photolightning is the ultimate photograph software for both house and business digital digital camera users. It is the easiest plus fastest method to print, e-mail, and boost your digital pictures. Photolightning is really simple that will even beginners can create great photo prints, send out emails without attachments, generate slide shows, System.Drawing.Bitmap improvements to a set associated with 24 photos in 5 minutes or less.

Photolightning has the following essential features:

Auto-detects your digital camera, downloads your photos, plus provides a large critique for easy comparison.

Send out nice looking photo emails with out using attachments.

Have self-confidence to make perfect photograph prints at home making use of standard templates from main manufacturers which minimize document usage and errors. Helps make standard sized prints and album pages. Print examine enables you to move and pan to create your prints.

Create photograph albums with all the Organize function.

Backup photos to CD/DVD.

Photo enhancements include reddish colored eye reduction, cropping, auto-levels, auto-contrast, fix backlighting, include flash, reduce flash, brightness/contrast, hue, saturation, sharpen, unsharp mask, monochrome, sepia, color effects, fix out-of-focus pictures, crop, sharpen, boost shades, make gray skies azure, levels and more.

Batch control can resize (including %, fit inside rectangle, focus on size (kb) and resample method), change format, include text and graphic captions/watermarks, remove exif data, rename, and re-timestamp -- along with just two clicks.

Decrease photos and automatically put in into Word and PowerPoint. Enhance quality and create photos for eBay.

Provides a lightning fast thumbnail browser with Photo Background view to see all the photos on your storage in chronological order irrespective of how these are arranged.

Creates HTML slide exhibits to view on your own machine, email to close friends, or publish to the web site.

Automatically decrease photos and post all of them to weblogs with simply two clicks.

You can find some alternatives for Photolightning photo software here .

Photolightning photo software

Requirements :

Windows 98, 64 MB RAM, 10 MB disk space


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