ePlum GetPictures!

Rating   Downloads : 190
Price :   89  Shareware

Size : 2.51MB
Version : 2.0.0 Major Update  

Win98 , WinME , Windows2000 , WinXP 

ePlum GetPictures!

convert any printable document to JPG/GIF/BMP

You are able to convert any printable data files into high-quality raster pictures of JPG/GIF/PNG/BMP format.

This program Development! Development! Development! intercepts the printout and converts this into image with custom made size and resolution.

In addition you can adjust picture antialiasing (smoothing), rotation, history color and hatch, put in date/time stamp.

You save every image separately or even a number of print jobs at the same time. Also you can create HTML-gallery for web-publishing, or even just for the ease of reviewing.

You can send out your pictures via e-mail straight from This program Development! Development! Growth!

You obtain an ideal electronic replica of your own printouts, maintaining all the particular features of original paperwork, including lineweights, fonts, any kind of national symbols and character types encoding. Your document might be opened, red, or also printed on paper simply by any user, with any kind of computer, irrespective of operqation program and installed software.

Create a move to paperless office!

You can find some alternatives for ePlum GetPictures! here .

ePlum GetPictures!

Requirements :

IE4 and higher, at least one acceptable printer installed


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