Scorpion Jukebox

Rating   Downloads : 177
Price :   17  Shareware

Size : 12.81MB
Version : 4.3 Major Update  

WinXP , Win7 x32 , Win7 x64 , Windows Vista Ultimate , Windows Vista Starter , Windows Vista Home Basic , Windows Vista Home Premium , Windows Vista Business , Windows Vista Enterprise 

Scorpion Jukebox

A DirectX based music player for windows.

Typically the This program Development, or simply referred to as the Scorpion, is a great application that allows you select music from a new locally stored music series, input it in a playlist and start playing that. When looking at typically the feature list, it could be seen the Scorpion differs from other apps in many respects. Typically the Scorpions music selection is usually based on showing record covers in an really flexible way, instead regarding just displaying an tremendously large list of internet directories and files. Missing record covers are downloaded immediately fast and easy. Scorpion uses DirectX to end up being able to achieve a great interface with a normal look and feel it does not suffer from jerky relocating images and slow display screen updates. It has extremely fast response plus its extremely easy to work together with. The Scorpion can end up being completely controlled by typically the keyboard using ONE little finger only, to be in a position to perform the necessary tasks as fast since possible. Remote Control applying a touchscreen display Mobile phone retains you inside the lazy couch. It is also achievable to operate the participant using a Touchscreen, wtih minimal screen touches thus that we can carry out whatever we are supposed to end up being doing: "LISTENING TO THE MUSIC! "

You can find some alternatives for Scorpion Jukebox here .

Scorpion Jukebox

Requirements :

Videocard 64MB and DX9


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