Flash Virtual Tour Creating Software
Tourweaver is a program for creating Flash virtual tours with 360 panoramas, flash, video, still images and floorplans.
The virtual tours created by Tourweaver have following features:
1 . Customized skins or skin templates
2. 360 spherical panorama, cylindrical panorama, still images, oneshot images can be used
3. Multiple maps/floorplans, Google Maps can be used
4. Interactive components like flash, video, buttons, thumbnails, dynamic text can be added to tour skin, and each can achieve various actions.
5. Popup Windows can be used to present rich information, popup images and flash video are also supported.
6. Virtual tours can play at specified percentage of the browser.
7. Flash virtual tours are exported and easily embeded to websites.
8. Full display display of the virtual tour.
9. Video trip can be generated.
10. Multiple publish formats such as. exe,. swf.
11. Support adding flash and video components on pores and skin or popup window. (pro only)
12. Components can be displayed in full display. (pro only)
13. Touch can be image or Flash animation. (pro only)
14. Popup window can be displayed on mouse over. (pro only)
15. Movie controller for specified movie.
16. Support. SWF because publish format. (pro only)
17. Support perspective transform of video.
18. "Hide map automatically" can become set as to the scenes that doesnt need map. (pro only)
19. Support flash thumbnail.
20. Support lens flare, climate effects like snow, rain.
21. Support customization of right-click menu of gamer.
22. Support adjusting rotator speed of scenes.
23. Double click to full-screen mode is optional.
24. Support 3D sound effect.
25. Copy and insert components between different popup windows. (pro only)
It is used for creating virtual tours for real estate, tourism resorts, museum, hotel, restaurant and various some other fields.
Requirements :
PIII800MHz, 512M RAM, Network card, Video display of 800*600 pixels