Professional Notepad

Rating   Downloads : 180
Price :   18  Shareware

Size : 0.40MB
Version : 2.92.9 New Release  

Win95 , Win98 , WinME , WinXP , WinNT 4.x , Windows2000 , Windows2003 

Professional Notepad

HTML Editor, text and source code editor

This program Development is a powerful manager lets you view and change HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, D as well as other languages source computer code.

Costly advanced tool helping the characteristics youve always dreamed of, such as format highlighting, Code Templates, bookmarking, unlimited text size, LINK highlighting, line numbers, strong search and replace, numerous undo/redo, Drag & drop, color making, etc.

While it is a perfect replacement regarding Windows Notepad, it likewise offers many powerful characteristics for Web page creators and programmers.


-Unlimited text and line sizing - This program Development can job with really huge data files and is also still very quickly.

-Syntax parsing and showcasing - syntax schemes regarding most common languages (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, PERL, SQL, Delphi, C ) are included.

-DOS in addition to Windows charset support : This program Development will automatically pick charset when file beginning.

-Hyperlinks - all backlinks to your site will be automatically pointed out and followed when an individual clicks URL.

-Drag in addition to Drop support - the two Copy and Move will be supported.

-Unlimited multilevel undo/redo.

-Line numbers - an individual can display the range numbers in This program Development.

-Printing - color printing is usually supported.

-Export to HTML CODE and RTF with shade syntax.

-Bookmarks - around 255 bookmarks in a single text are supported. Photos will probably be displayed on typically the gutter to mark typically the lines with bookmark.

-Regular expressions looking and substitute.

-Word wrap. If an individual are working on typically the text using firm lines, phrase wrap feature becomes really useful. You cant need to be able to scroll far any longer : since all long outlines will be wrapped to match the size of updating area.

-Code Templates : speed up the expansion method and help maintain uniformity throughout your websites.

You can find some alternatives for Professional Notepad here .

Professional Notepad

Requirements :

Pentium processor or better, 32MB of RAM or better


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