Text to HTML Converter-Markdown

Rating   Downloads : 149
Price :   9.95  Shareware

Size : 1.05MB
Version : 9.05.01 Major Update  

Windows2000 , WinXP , Windows2003 , Windows Vista Starter , Windows Vista Home Basic , Windows Vista Home Premium , Windows Vista Business , Windows Vista Enterprise , Windows Vista Ultimate 

Text to HTML Converter-Markdown

Convert Markdown text file into HTML format

Text message to HTML Converter-Markdown turns the plain text to be able to HTML for publishing on the net. The Markdown lightweight markup language syntax allows an individual to write text obviously and format it with out using HTML tags. Inside Markdown lightweight markup language format, your text keeps enjoyable to read to get a human being, and this specific is true enough of which it makes a Markdown document publishable as-is, since plain text.

Text to be able to HTML Converter-Markdown has a new powerful text analysis powerplant, that allows it to be able to recognize the structure of your respective document and faithfully recreate it in HTML structure. The software recognizes titles, bulleted lists, emphasis, computer code samples and ASCII fine art inside the original document.

Text message to HTML Converter-Markdown Strong features:

* One press to quickly convert several text files into HTML CODE format.

* Automatically creating a table-of-contents from a new text record

* Transfer source files that have got been modified in typically the specified time range

5. Mastering Macros that usually are expanded on conversion moment

* Obscure your Email-based address from address-harvesting spambots

* Wildcard to contain source files

* Editable template

* small exe size

You can find some alternatives for Text to HTML Converter-Markdown here .

Text to HTML Converter-Markdown

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