Process Lasso

Rating   Downloads : 190
Price :   24.95  Shareware

Size : 0.52MB
Version : 4.00.28 Minor Update  

Win2000 , Win7 x32 , Win7 x64 , WinServer , WinVista , WinVista x64 , WinXP 

Process Lasso

Automated process priority optimization

This program Development is an unique fresh technology that will, amongst some other things, improve your PCs responsiveness and stability. Windows, by design, allows programs to monopolize your PROCESSOR without restraint -- leading to freezes and hangs. This program s ProBalance technology intelligently adjusts the priority of running programs so that badly behaved programs will not interfere with your ability to use the computer!

In addition, This program Development offers abilities such as default process priorities and affinities, termination of disallowed processes, instance count limits, a system responsiveness graph, logging of processes, keep select processes running (auto-restart), and very much more!

Best of almost all, This program s core process management engine is separated from the GUI. This means it can do its job consuming almost no system resources, and without ever making a look. You may not discover its running, but certainly will notice if you ever uninstall it. Give it a try and see!

We offer a graphical demonstration on our web site, for just about any skeptics. We dont sell gimmicks at Bitsum. A 64-bit build is obtainable like a separate download.

You can find some alternatives for Process Lasso here .

Process Lasso

Requirements :

Windows 2000 thru Windows 7


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